![]() Summer is in full swing and Fiona Riplee would like to know our answers to the following three questions: 1. What is your favorite summer memory? One of my favourite memories as a child was visiting my Grandparents at their cabin. Once we were old enough, we were allowed to spend a week or so there. The days were filled with fishing, swimming, catching leeches, Yahtzee (Saskatchewan house rules version), cribbage, reading Louis L’Amour (they had an entire shelf full) and just plain lazing around. More recently, one of the best things we do as a family is take the boat to a nearby lake, have a finger-food type supper, and swim. Northern BC is full of beautiful lakes, and I love to dive off the boat in the deep, coppery water – no weeds, no leeches, not yucky bottom! 2. What do you enjoy the most about summer? The best thing about summer is living outside. Winters here are usually spent scurrying from house to vehicle to building and back again. Summer sunshine means we connect with neighbours, enjoy dinners on the deck, and simply doing as much as we can out of doors. 3. How do the warm days and sunshine affect your writing habits? Summer time is both good and bad for my writing habits. I love to take my lap top outside and write my quota in the backyard. Something about writing away from my usual spot makes me feel more creative, more inventive. We tend to take more road trips in summer, and long hours on the highway are great for brainstorming and plotting. But the good weather also makes it harder to make the time to write. Northern BC summer are so short (although we’re having a great one this year) that I hate to miss a minute. How did Ronnie Allen answer these questions? Find out here!
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