![]() We’re having fun this week on the Romance Writers Weekly Blog Hop! A.S. Fenichel says: Leap Year! This is it folks - you get an entire extra day to do with as you wish. We’re always wanting more time and this year we actually get it. I got married on Leap Day in 2008, so this year I get a “real” anniversary. What will you do with your extra day? If you joined me from Leslie Hachtel, welcome! Leap Year has always had a special fascination for me. For one thing, I am AMAZED that hundreds of years ago someone figured out we needed to do this, in order to keep a completely arbitrary set of numbers (which make up the calendar we use today) on track. Talk about paying attention to your sun and moon! As for the extra day that we get this year, I look on it as “found money.” My mother always says that any money you find on the street (I have a vague memory she discovered a $20 bill in the gutter once) MUST be spent on something frivolous. In the case of Leap Day, that means it can’t be used to catch up on chores or get ahead on the tax return. It should be spent doing something you love that you haven’t had time for recently – and NOT feeling guilty about it! For me, that would probably be a day of reading, curled up on the couch with tea (or a glass of wine later in the afternoon). Yes, I read every day. But to “waste” a whole day doing nothing but that would be like a beach vacation for me. The other way to spend the extra day would be to do something completely out of the usual. I was talking with a cousin of mine yesterday and she and her husband have recently started going to the local climbing wall. For someone that dislikes heights as much as I do, I’ve always wanted to give rock climbing (in a controlled environment, LOL!) a try. That would also be a great way to celebrate Leap Day - doing something totally out of character! What about you? What are you going to do with your extra day? Leave a note in the comments, then move on to AJ Andersen to see how she’s using her bonus 24 hours!
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