It's time for Flash Fiction on the Romance Writers Weekly Blog Hop!
Marc Stevens has set the challenge: Planes, trains, and automobiles (or even boats)—give us a quick scene set on/in a moving vehicle. If you joined me from A.S. Fenichel's blog, welcome! Well, this is really a wide open writing prompt. Sexy, funny, sad – what should I write? (Please pause for a moment here as I ponder where to start). Okay—here goes! Her paddle dipped into the stillness of the water, spreading ripples out and out and out. Drops flicked off the blade as she brought it forward, the wet wood catching the dawning light in crystalline flashes. The water beneath her was a rich, peaty brown, about ten feet deep but so clear she could see the pebbled bottom of the lake. A kingfisher darted by, rising and falling in its distinctive flight. It landed on the dead branch of a willow overhanging the shoreline, and she saw the silvery flash of the minnow struggling in its beak. The chill breeze nipped at her fingers like a playful puppy. The tips of her ears felt the coming autumn, too, and she made a note to wear a toque tomorrow. The changing of the seasons wasn't only evident in the wind—the poplar and aspen and birch were all sporting yellow and orange leaves amid the stubborn green. It wouldn't be long before she'd have to break through a thin layer of ice at the water's edge before she launched her canoe in the morning. And not long after that the water would close up completely, and she'd have to take the long hike around the lake to get her supplies until the ice was safe enough to travel across. She rounded the point and saw her destination ahead of her. Squat and compact, the cabin had stood for decades, used by a succession of city-dwellers as a rough and rustic weekend hideaway. It no longer stood empty for days on end, not since she'd bought it. Now it was her retreat, her refuge. Her paddled dipped again into the silent water, each motion bringing her closer to home. I'd love to hear what you think! Be sure to leave a comment, then hop on over to Lyra Parish and she what she was inspired to write.
9/13/2016 10:16:44 am
Interesting, placid scene. I have a feeling adventure is waiting for her back at that cabin though.
Brenda Margriet
9/13/2016 03:32:04 pm
I don't write horror, but i think this has that creepy, peaceful feel horror movies often start with. Bwhahahahaha!
7/29/2017 04:52:12 pm
It was really impressive. The scene is perfect. This is a good one. I'll share it with my friends. I am a fan of you. Hope that I can see you in the future. I really loved it. Thank you and please continue posting some of these.
9/13/2016 12:43:14 pm
What a great scene! I love the images you captured with the water. I wonder if she's running away from something? Can't wait to read more.
Brenda Margriet
9/13/2016 03:32:27 pm
She is definitely in hiding - but what waits for her at the cabin? :)
9/13/2016 04:06:53 pm
So lovely. It's as close to poetry as prose can get.
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