I don’t know what else she wants me to say. She should know that I’m not much of a talker by now. After all, she spent months working with me on the book. I suppose I could mention it comes out on Thursday, two days from now. Too Good for Words, she called it. Which is ironic, given I don’t use many of them. Don’t tell her, but I’m a little nervous. Usually I don’t care about what other people think, but I hope readers like the story. Not because of me, because of Penta. She deserves for the world to know how great she is. I wonder why Brenda didn’t ask Penta to do this blog. Now there’s a woman who likes words. Not that I’m complaining. I love to listen to her talk. She’s sweet and kind. And funny without meaning to be. She tries to be all tough and cool, but that’s hard to do when you smell like vanilla and wear your kids high school hoodies. Anyway, I've done enough talking for today. If you want to know more about Penta and me, you’ll have to get the book. One more thing. Brenda says if you want to read another blog written from the point of view of a character, click here to go to PG Forte’s website.
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