![]() For some unknown reason, some of the text on my website has changed. The buttons are supposed to be white on a brown background... now it is either red or green. Not attractive, let me tell you. I've contacted Weebly support and they are working on it, but that was three days ago. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. It seems like such a little issue, but I imagine there is a mind-boggling series of steps that need to be done before fixing the bug that is causing the problem. I'm reasonably competent when it comes to technology, in that I can figure out how to use it. But I have only a teeny tiny understanding of how software is created. I know I'm dating myself, but I was in high school when computers were introduced to the classroom. And by classroom I mean one room where we all went to learn how to use these amazing new machines. We actually learned how to write programs...simple math calculations, even how to make a graphic stick figure man walk across the screen. We saved our programs on cassette tapes, and if you wanted to copy a program from one to the other you simply played the cassette, which made a horribly screeching, whining noise, and record it onto another cassette. Times have certainly changed since then. By and large, technology does make our life easier. Writing can still be hard work, but using a word processing program is certainly more efficient (for me, at least) than rolling sheets of paper into a typewriter. Research is a lot simpler when the power of the World Wide Web is only a couple of keystrokes away. And thank goodness for "Track Changes"...what a great way to revise! When things go wrong with technology, it is a good time to remind ourselves of how things used to be, to take a breath, and step back for a moment to appreciate what we do have.
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