If you joined me from A.S. Fenichel, welcome! We're having fun on Romance Writers Weekly today. Jenna Da Sie has us playing the "Would you rather?" game. Keep on reading to see what I mean. 1) Would you rather go way back in time and meet your ancestors Pre 1800’s or go way into the future and meet your great grandchildren Post 2200? I think I would definitely want to go back in time. I'm fascinated by geneology, and someday when I have the time I want to really research my family tree. I have a pretty good record already, but more would be great. The other reason to go back in time is that at least I know there's a happy ending—in the fact that I exist! But going ahead may provide unwelcome surprises that I don't want to know about. Maybe it's the coward's way, but its just what I think. 2) Would you rather have no internet or no cell phone? That's easy-no cell phone. The world moves so fast these days, and I think no cell phone would help slow it all down. Really-how many calls a day do you get on your phone that couldn't wait another hour or so until you got home? But the internet is another matter. I love having the world at my fingertips, especially when I'm writing. Got a quick research question-done. Can't remember how to spell a word-bam! 3) Would you rather talk like Yoda or breathe like Darth Vader? Oh, my. I guess neither isn't an option? Then I'd have to go with Yoda. I think the breathing would drive my husband crazy after awhile. 4) Would you rather have the ability to fly or read minds? Despite that I'm scared of heights, I think I'm going with ability to fly on this one. Birds look so free and awesome as they float on updrafts. And I think I would learn too much that I didn't want to know (see Question #1 for my reluctance to know too much) if I could read minds. 5) Would you rather have mermaids be real or unicorns be real? Gotta go with unicorns here. In mythology, mermaids are not always the nicest creatures, causing storms and luring sailors to their deaths. This was fun! Why not leave your choices in the comments below? But don't forget to continue on the hop. Your next stop is Dani Jace ![]() Just a quick not that my fourth contemporary romance, NO LIFE BUT THIS, is now available! It was released Friday, and to celebrate, all my books are on sale for only 99 cents. Check them out here. And don't forget, you still have time to enter to win a Kindle in the January Preorder Super Sale & Giveaway! 25 Romance Authors are sharing their upcoming releases. And just for subscribing to our newsletters or following us on Social Media, you could win a Kindle! Click here to enter!
1 Comment
1/24/2017 06:21:19 pm
Oh man no one wants mermaids to be real, haha. Wasn't this fun!
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